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English-Hindi > come to blows

come to blows meaning in Hindi

come to blows sentence in Hindi
झगड़ पड़ना
झगड़ पड़ना
come    आकर दिमाग में आना
come to    उत्तराधिकार में
to    बन्द अवस्था में
blows    आघात हवा का झोंका
1.The argument comes to blows, and Cassidy and Bart are immediately arrested.

2.Before they can come to blows, the bell rings and class ends.

3.Pro-and anti-Pakistan factions have come to blows in public at Hurriyat meetings.

4.When acting as her bodyguard, Jimmy and Miles ultimately come to blows.

5.He and Hotstreak come to blows over the canister, breaking the seal.

6.On Saturday, protesters and police blamed each other for coming to blows.

7.Geralt and Tailles almost come to blows when the latter insults Nenneke.

8.Mannix and Warren almost come to blows over their controversial war records.

9.Ignoring the chaos all around them, the two finally come to blows.

10.In June 1703 he and Lord High Commissioner, and come to blows.

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How to say come to blows in Hindi and what is the meaning of come to blows in Hindi? come to blows Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.